Modifying QuoteWerks QuoteValet to include a URL to Products
Oct 18, 2014
This blog article demonstrates how to modify the default QuoteWerks QuoteWerks web page HTML layout to include a URL to the Product on your (or your Suppliers) website for your prospect to click on for additional information. The following piece of HTML code is a snippet from our customised QuoteWerks QuoteValet page: <td class=”col-description”> <a […]
READ MOREUpdates to the ConnectIt website, keeping you more informed
May 05, 2010
The ConnectIt support team have made several updates to the ConnectIt website to help keep you (and your clients) better informed. Firstly a telephone number to contact the ConnectIt support team… this particular little ‘hot potato’ has been thrown around since we first conceived the ConnectIt brand. Do we or don’t we give end users […]
READ MOREWhat would you want from QuoteWerks Quote Valet?
Apr 22, 2010
Following the ‘official’ news from Aspire Technologies (authors of QuoteWerks sales quotation software) in this evenings QuoteWerks Reseller boot camp, and our unofficial post of the news(!), QuoteWerks Quote Valet is more of a reality today than the rumour of yesterday. From what we understand, the QuoteWerks development team have already ‘boxed off’ most of […]
READ MOREDEVELOPMENT: good software development practices
Jun 08, 2009
Here’s a list of 5 Good Programming Habits we picked up from Amy Bennett in her article at IT World: The best trick I have is to type the sequences/use cases like a story before I write any code. The outline I create is read over and over, tweaking as I go.” (Dan Douglas) Solve […]