What would you want from QuoteWerks Quote Valet?
Following the ‘official’ news from Aspire Technologies (authors of QuoteWerks sales quotation software) in this evenings QuoteWerks Reseller boot camp, and our unofficial post of the news(!), QuoteWerks Quote Valet is more of a reality today than the rumour of yesterday.
From what we understand, the QuoteWerks development team have already ‘boxed off’ most of the features that you’d expect and need from an online order confirmation portal. But what would your business need from an online order confirmation system…?
Please let us know and we’ll be more than happy to collate your thoughts and feed your requirements into the QuoteWerks development team. Please email development@hilltopsit.co.uk with subject line ‘QuoteWerks Quote Valet‘.
Thanks, we look forward to receiving your thoughts.