ConnectIt Pro Key Feature #4 – Company Branding

May 29, 2012

This is a feature that perhaps high volume resellers will be interested in, and give you the opportunity to customise the look of the software with your own corporate branding – logos, support and website links, even the images on the buttons(!). By branding the software to your image, you can either match ConnectIt to […]


ConnectIt Pro Key Feature #1 – Front End with Multi-Document Transfer

May 14, 2012

One of the key features that user of the current products will note is that ConnectIt now has its own front end user interface. Traditionally, the only interface to the software has been the Configuration screen; the actual software that does the processing running seamlessly from a menu option in QuoteWerks with just a couple […]


Evolution not revolution – the ConnectIt Software approach to solution development

May 11, 2012

As users and resellers alike will have seen: the original ConnectIt-Sage product (which integrates QuoteWerks with Sage 50) has evolved over the years resulting in a very rounded solution. Sage Instant, Sage 200, Sage MAS and Pegasus Opera integration solutions have followed over the years, each having a better and better basis to work from […]


Feedback and action from ConnectIt Software development

Apr 24, 2012

We’ve taken on board your feedback over the years on the growing collection of integration solutions that make up the ConnectIt Software suite… Can ConnectIt transfer more than one document at one time? Have you got a solution which integrates with flat file, Access, SQL Server or a.n.other database I use? I have suppliers that […]


QuoteWerks and Sage MAS integration – Purchase Orders and Products

Apr 12, 2010

The Hilltops IT ConnectIt Software development team are very pleased to announce that the release of ConnectIt-MAS to include the creation of P/O Purchase Order and Products in Sage MAS90 (or MAS200) from QuoteWerks will be available from 17th May 2010. The ConnectIt QuoteWerks to Sage MAS link will then support creation of S/O, A/R and P/O documents, […]


Who said upgrading Sage MAS 90/200 ERP add-ons was tough?

Apr 02, 2010

Having read some of the rumours, speculations and stories around the recent Sage MAS 90/200 ERP v4.4 release since… well for over 18 months in total I guess, the Hilltops IT ConnectIt Software development had been ‘looking forward’ to receiving the copy of the Sage MAS software with some trepidation. Following the Sage MAS formal production […]