Modifying the QuoteWerks Document Open screen grid columns (post v5.2)

You can modify the QuoteWerks Document Open screen grid columns by editing you User Setting in the Settings Manager screen:

1) Click the Windows Help menu | About option.

QuoteWerks Help, About tab screenshot

2) Click the ‘Settings Manager’ button and select the “UserSettings” Table and the appropriate User you’d like to modify the Open screen columns for.

QuoteWerks Settings Manager screenshot

3) Select the line where SectionName is “OpenWindowGridSettings” and KeyName is “ColumnData”, then click the green ‘E’ (Edit) button.

QuoteWerks Edit Setting screenshot

4) Copy the entire current KeyValue setting to Notepad (or similar) so that changes may rolled back if the following steps are not successful.

5) The columns are listed in the format DocumentHeaders_[FieldName],[ColumnWidth]. In the example above, I have added the field “ProfitAmount” in between the SubTotal and GrandTotal fields by copy/pasting the GrandTotal line and simply changing the [FieldName] to ProfitAmount. Note that each line in the settings is separated by a carriage return.

6) Click ‘Ok’ to save the revised Setting, close the Settings Manager and About screens; re-open the QuoteWerks Open screen to see that changes have been applied as expected. If not, then roll back the changes by re-applying the setting copied in Step #4.