Copying the QuoteWerks QuoteValet URL to the Windows clipboard

The script below provides a way to quickly and easily copy the QuoteValet document URL for the current open document in QuoteWerks to the Windows clipboard. This can then be pasted into an email or other document to send to your customer.

To implement the script, we suggest copy/pasting the below code into a text file and saving the file as “GetQVURL.vbs” in the “Applets” folder of the QuoteWerks directory on your PC or server. (If the “Applets” folder does not exist, then create it.) You can then create a custom menu option using the features in the QuoteWerks Tools menu | Customize Menus screen. Your new menu option should look something like the image below with Command text “&SYS_InstallPath\Applets\GetQVURL.vbs”:

QuoteWerks Get QuoteValet URL menu option

Dim objQWApp 'As Object
Dim strURL 'As String

Dim objShell 'As Object
Dim objExec 'As Object
Dim objIn 'As Object

Set objQWApp = GetObject(, "QuoteWerks.Application")
strURL = objQWApp.GetMacro("&DH_&QuoteValetCustomerFacingURL")
'strURL = strURL & "&internal=1" 'appending this parameter to the URL also will mean it does not trigger a QuoteValet Activity Log entry

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExec = objShell.Exec("clip")
Set objIn = objExec.stdIn

objIn.WriteLine strURL

MsgBox "The QuoteValet Customer Facing URL has been copied to the clipboard", 64, "QuoteWerks Add-On from Hilltops IT" '0 = OK Only, 64 = Information, 0 = Application Modal

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