Selecting details of Configurators from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Configurators and their associated Containers and Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT CH.Name AS ConfiguratorName, CH.Notes AS ConfiguratorNotes , CC.Name AS ContainerName , […]


Selecting details of Required Items from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Required Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT RH.PartNumber AS PrimaryProductCode, PP.[Description] AS PrimaryProductDescription , RI.PartNumber AS RequiredProductCode, PO.[Description] AS RequiredProductDescription FROM QuoteWerks.dbo.RequiredHeaders AS […]


Selecting details of Optional Items from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Optional Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT OH.SetName AS PrimaryProductCode, PP.[Description] AS PrimaryProductDescription , OI.PartNumber AS OptionalProductCode, PO.[Description] AS OptionalProductDescription FROM QuoteWerks.dbo.OptionsHeaders AS […]


Querying the QuoteWerks Database for selected Line Items

Jan 11, 2019

In our years of working with QuoteWerks and providing integration solutions, it’s been a fairly common requirement to query the QuoteWerks database for Line Items on a Document which are either non-optional or optional and selected. How to do this relies on understanding the bitwise logic around the Document Items table LineAttributes field. More information […]


Stock Adjustments and Email Alerts in ConnectIt

Oct 09, 2014

Further to requests from customers, we will imminently be introducing Sage Stock Adjustments and email alerts into the ConnectIt-Sage50 software. The Stock Adjustment features will provide an additional option off of the QuoteWerks Tools menu called “Create Stock in Sage”. When clicked, this option will open a screen listing the Products that are on the […]


ConnectIt Pro Key Feature #4 – Company Branding

May 29, 2012

This is a feature that perhaps high volume resellers will be interested in, and give you the opportunity to customise the look of the software with your own corporate branding – logos, support and website links, even the images on the buttons(!). By branding the software to your image, you can either match ConnectIt to […]


ConnectIt Pro Key Feature #3 – Multiple Transfer Profiles

May 25, 2012

The traditional ConnectIt products have just one configuration; the configuration is highly flexible, but there is just one. If you need multiple types on transfer – perhaps you are running several disconnected systems or perhaps running more than one company which require information presented differently between systems, then you need to either keep changing the […]


ConnectIt Pro Key Feature #2 – Transferring Data from ‘Any’ Data Source

May 23, 2012

So with the small print caveat that when we say ‘any’, we mean ‘any’ that we’ve specified on the website or tested it with and not necessarily some weird-and-wonderful text-based format that your banking solution outputs… we can now link from ‘any’ data source!!! 😉 Currently tested source file formats include: An Excel spreadsheet A […]