Stock Adjustments and Email Alerts in ConnectIt

ConnectIt boxshotFurther to requests from customers, we will imminently be introducing Sage Stock Adjustments and email alerts into the ConnectIt-Sage50 software.

The Stock Adjustment features will provide an additional option off of the QuoteWerks Tools menu called “Create Stock in Sage”. When clicked, this option will open a screen listing the Products that are on the QuoteWerks Document for the User to edit the details of before clicking ‘Save’ to submit the details into Sage. The screen will effectively be a replica of the Sage 50 Accounts ‘Stock Adjustments In’ screen which will list the Items on the QuoteWerks Document and save the User considerable time by performing the function from within the QuoteWerks User environment rather than having to go into Sage.

As with other enhancements, the settings used when displaying information on this new screen will be editable in the ConnectIt Configuration, including which fields are used for the Product Code, Details, Date, Reference, Quantity and Cost Price.

The new email alerts feature will send an email from the logged in QuoteWerks User to a colleague (defined by the Documents selected Sales Rep email address) on successful transfer of a Document into Sage. Again, options such as the From, To, CC, BCC, Title and Body text will be configurable along with details of the connection to the email system. Initially we are looking to support just SMTP and Microsoft Outlook email integration (like QuoteWerks). This may be expanded if in the future we receive a significant number of requests for different email protocols or systems.

Are there features that you would like to see in ConnectIt-Sage50 or any of the other ConnectIt Software products? Or are their integration or bespoke add-on software solutions that would be useful to you in your business? If so, then please drop the team a line – – and one of the team will contact you to share thoughts on feasibility and discuss details of how you would like a solution to work.

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