Why choose QuoteWerks Corporate rather than Professional?
Why QuoteWerks Corporate edition?
As well as some additional features (to do with synchronisation) and the additional contact manager options i.e. MSCRM and ConnectWise, the real reason we recommend QuoteWerks Corporate over Professional is the ability to host the database to SQL Server.
For a larger organisation that’s generating more quotes, the SQL Server back end is far more robust and much quicker to open and save QuoteWerks documents. We often find smaller companies start with Professional and then upgrade to Corporate after 12-18 months, and there is no license price penalty of doing this – you just pay the price difference between the two editions. It really depends on the company’s outlook (and budget) as to whether they just want to implement the system in stages or in full from the offset.
It should also be noted that QuoteWerks runs on SQL Server Express which is free, so there is no need to purchase full SQL Server licenses. When evaluating how much depth you get in a sales quotation solution from QuoteWerks and how cost-effective it is compared to other business software solutions, for the price difference, QuoteWerks Corporate really is worth considering.