Securing QuoteWerks database information

A client just called to ask what would be the best way of securing the information that they have in their QuoteWerks databases. In particular, their Products and pricing if an employee decided to leave and take the data with them.

There are several, quite straightforward ways that immediately came to mind…

1) Stopping Users Exporting QuoteWerks Product information

Within QuoteWerks User setup, ref. Utilities menu | User Maintenance option, select User, click Edit, Access tab is the ‘CannotExportProducts’ option. Ticking this option will revoke the User’s ability to Export Products from the Products menu | Product Data Sources list.

Also within QuoteWerks User setup, ref. Utilities menu | User Maintenance option, select User, click Edit, Menus tab, uncheck the Tools menu ‘Export Items to Clipboard’ and ‘Export Items to Microsoft Excel’ menu options. This will hide these options from the Tools menu when the User logs in, therefore not allowing them access to these functions.

2) Stopping QuoteWerks Users Exporting Documents

A User could Export all Documents from the QuoteWerks database to transportable ‘DTF’ files. These could then be read back into a QuoteWerks system. To prevent this, remove the ‘Export to Document Transport File’ option from their menu options. Again, see ref. Utilities menu | User Maintenance option, select User, click Edit, Menus tab.

3) Stopping QuoteWerks Users Exporting Contacts

In a similar way to stopping QuoteWerks Users from exporting Products, you can also stop them exporting Contacts. Uncheck the ‘CannotExportContacts’ option on the Utilities menu | User Maintenance option, select User, click Edit, Access tab.

Other techniques to lock down QuoteWerks

Those are the ways that we’ve thought of to quickly and easily stop any would-be ‘thieves’ from stealing your business-critical QuoteWerks data. Do you have any thoughts on other ways?

Please share by commenting here and helping other companies make their QuoteWerks sales quoting system more secure.


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