Changing the Default Text Caption for different QuoteWerks Line Types
If you would like to change the default text that QuoteWerks uses when inserting Sub Total, Running Sub Total, Optional Item, Discount Percentage or Charge Percentage Line Items, then this can be done by editing the site.ini file [System] section SubTotalItemText, RunningSubTotalItemText, OptionalItemText, DiscountItemText and ChargeItemText keys respectively.
To make the required changes:
- Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the QuoteWerks file directory on your PC or server
- Open the site.ini file in Notepad (or similar text editor)
- Look for the SubTotalItemText, RunningSubTotalItemText, OptionalItemText, DiscountItemText and ChargeItemText keys underneath the [System] section (these may or may not exist, if it does not exist then create them)
- Set the SubTotalItemText=”My Sub Total Item Text caption”, RunningSubTotalItemText=”My Running Sub Total Item Text caption”, OptionalItemText=”My Optional Item Text caption”, DiscountItemText=”My Discount Item Text caption” and ChargeItemText=”My Charge Item Text caption” key values as appropriate.
- Save and close the site.ini file
- (Re)Start QuoteWerks for the change to take effect
On completion, the site.ini will look something like the following (note that the elipses are to represent other ini file keys, the elipses should not be placed in the actual ini file):
[System] ... SubTotalItemText="My Sub Total Item Text caption" RunningSubTotalItemText="My Running Sub Total Item Text caption" OptionalItemText="My Optional Item Text caption" DiscountItemText="My Discount Item Text caption" ChargeItemText="My Charge Item Text caption" ...
This is useful for users that want to use different text phrases for these Line Item Types, particularly international users whose language is not English.
Note that you can also set the value to {NONE} for no text to be displayed.