Using SQL Server STUFF function to turn rows in a column

Dec 21, 2020

Example below: CREATE TABLE #TempMaster ([ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(50)) CREATE TABLE #TempChild (MasterID int,[ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(50)) INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (1, ‘Master 1’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (2, ‘Master 2’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (3, ‘Master 3’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (4, ‘Master 4’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (5, ‘Master […]


Selecting details of Configurators from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Configurators and their associated Containers and Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT CH.Name AS ConfiguratorName, CH.Notes AS ConfiguratorNotes , CC.Name AS ContainerName , […]


Selecting details of Required Items from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Required Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT RH.PartNumber AS PrimaryProductCode, PP.[Description] AS PrimaryProductDescription , RI.PartNumber AS RequiredProductCode, PO.[Description] AS RequiredProductDescription FROM QuoteWerks.dbo.RequiredHeaders AS […]


Selecting details of Optional Items from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Optional Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT OH.SetName AS PrimaryProductCode, PP.[Description] AS PrimaryProductDescription , OI.PartNumber AS OptionalProductCode, PO.[Description] AS OptionalProductDescription FROM QuoteWerks.dbo.OptionsHeaders AS […]


Querying the QuoteWerks Database for selected Line Items

Jan 11, 2019

In our years of working with QuoteWerks and providing integration solutions, it’s been a fairly common requirement to query the QuoteWerks database for Line Items on a Document which are either non-optional or optional and selected. How to do this relies on understanding the bitwise logic around the Document Items table LineAttributes field. More information […]


Backing up QuoteWerks SQL Server database

Dec 11, 2018

The following provides step-by-step screenshots to demonstrate how to set up a scheduled SQL Server backup for a QuoteWerks database (or, indeed, any other type of SQL Server database) hosted on the Express database engine. The example scripts and screenshots demonstrate backing up a database called “QuoteWerks” to the “D:\SQL Server Data\Backup\” folder on the […]


Cross Referencing QuoteWerks Quote, Order and Invoice Numbers

Jun 14, 2013

We’ve been asked several times by clients how to cross-reference the Quote, Order and Invoice numbers that are processed through QuoteWerks. While you can get the Converted Ref in QuoteWerks (so the Order or Quote an Invoice was Converted from or the Quote and Order came from) there’s no a way within the reporting to […]


Why choose QuoteWerks Corporate rather than Professional?

Oct 15, 2010

Why QuoteWerks Corporate edition? As well as some additional features (to do with synchronisation) and the additional contact manager options i.e. MSCRM and ConnectWise, the real reason we recommend QuoteWerks Corporate over Professional is the ability to host the database to SQL Server. For a larger organisation that’s generating more quotes, the SQL Server back end is […]