Updating QuoteWerks for new UK 20% Tax Rate
To update your QuoteWerks system for the new UK 20% VAT rate due to be introduced on 4th January 2011, your QuoteWerks needs to be changed in 3 places:
- The Tools menu | Options option | Documents tab | Sales Tax Rate default value.
- The QuoteWerks workbook | Sale Info tab | Tax Rate F2 lookup value.
- On any Document Layouts or Reports where the Tax Rate is displayed – this may be written into a label and therefore fixed, using a forumla offers a more flexible approach to displaying this information.
The following video illustrates these changes in more detail, and also offers a demonstration of how the ConnectIt-Workflow QuoteWerks add-on can catch any oversights before documents are sent to your prospect / client.
The Hilltops IT QuoteWerks support team.