Change QuoteWerks Next Document Number

QuoteWerks Document Numbering

The QuoteWerks next Document number can be changed by editing the QuoteWerks DocumentNumbering table.

For QuoteWerks Standard or Professional editions, the DocumentNumbering table is in the docs.mdb Access database; for QuoteWerks Corporate edition which has been re-hosted to SQL Server, the DocumentNumbering table is in the QuoteWerks SQL Server database.

Updating QuoteWerks Document Numbering

NOTE: please ask all users to exit QuoteWerks, take a full backup of QuoteWerks and the database before continuing!!!

NOTE: when changing the QuoteWerks Document numbering, please ensure that the numbers are changed to a value which is greater than the current values or you may get duplicate Document numbers and unexpected results from QuoteWerks and reporting.

Using Access or SQL Server tools

If you are familiar with Access or SQL Server Enterprise Manager tools, then the QuoteWerks next Document number for QUOTE, ORDER and INVOICE Documents, plus the next Project ID and Template numbers can be changed by updating the values in the DocumentNumbering NextQuoteNumber, NextOrderNumber, NextInvoiceNumber, NextProjectIDNumber and NextTemplateNumber fields.

Using QuoteWerks Medic Utility

If you are not familiar with Access or SQL Server Enterprise Manager tools, then the QuoteWerks Medic Utility provides an interface to update the required numbers:

  1. Open the QuoteWerks Medic Utility (see Windows Start menu | All Programs | QuoteWerks | Tools & Information | Medic Utility option.
  2. Select the Utilities menu | Data Manager for QuoteWerks Databases option.
  3. Enter the Administrator password when prompted and click OK.
  4. Click the Advanced Queries tab
  5. Select the System Database:docs (Access backend only).
  6. Copy / paste one of the following SQL statements into the SQL Command Text window and press the Start button:

UPDATE DocumentNumbering set NextQuoteNumber = 9999
UPDATE DocumentNumbering set NextOrderNumber = 9999
UPDATE DocumentNumbering set NextInvoiceNumber = 9999
UPDATE DocumentNumbering set NextProjectIDNumber = 9999
UPDATE DocumentNumbering set NextTemplateNumber = 9999

NOTE: the QuoteWerks database field name is slightly confusing in that the value in the field is not the ‘Next’ Document number – the next document number is gets 1 (one) added to it. So, in the example above, the actual next Document number in QuoteWerks would be AAAQ10000, AAAO10000, AAAI10000.

More information

We hope that you found this tip for QuoteWerks sales quoting solution useful. For more QuoteWerks tips and assistance, please get in touch!

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