ConnectIt compatibility with QuoteWerks v5.0

Nov 14, 2014

We are pleased to announce that all ConnectIt products are fully compatible with the new QuoteWerks v5.0 release. This includes both Products which integrate Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 200 ERP, Pegasus Opera, Sage MAS90/200 ERP, websites, etc. plus our QuoteWerks Workflow add-ons and bespoke / custom developed offerings. No upgrades are required to ConnectIt Products – […]


Stock Adjustments and Email Alerts in ConnectIt

Oct 09, 2014

Further to requests from customers, we will imminently be introducing Sage Stock Adjustments and email alerts into the ConnectIt-Sage50 software. The Stock Adjustment features will provide an additional option off of the QuoteWerks Tools menu called “Create Stock in Sage”. When clicked, this option will open a screen listing the Products that are on the […]


Evolution not revolution – the ConnectIt Software approach to solution development

May 11, 2012

As users and resellers alike will have seen: the original ConnectIt-Sage product (which integrates QuoteWerks with Sage 50) has evolved over the years resulting in a very rounded solution. Sage Instant, Sage 200, Sage MAS and Pegasus Opera integration solutions have followed over the years, each having a better and better basis to work from […]