Providing a successful software support service… our thoughts

Oct 10, 2024

During a recent discussion about customer service desk techniques, we shared our experiences with various service providers like banks, phone companies, and dental offices. We talked about the pros and cons, good experiences, and less satisfying ones. This led us to brainstorm ways to improve our own service desk. I’m pleased to say that we […]


Embracing Technologies: Our Adoption of Xojo

Oct 08, 2024

Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, businesses must remain agile and adaptable. This case study explores how we successfully transitioned the maintenance and enhancement of a custom software application written in Xojo in-house following the retirement of the original developer. The Challenge When the original developer of a critical custom software application retired, […]


Remote Working with QuoteWerks

Feb 13, 2021

We have had a flurry of emails recently regarding how Users might best work remotely with QuoteWerks. This blog post covers the main methods we’ve successfully implemented working with various clients and briefly discusses some of the relative pros and cons of each. First, we’ll start with the “out of the box” methods designed into […]


Using SQL Server STUFF function to turn rows in a column

Dec 21, 2020

Example below: CREATE TABLE #TempMaster ([ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(50)) CREATE TABLE #TempChild (MasterID int,[ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(50)) INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (1, ‘Master 1’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (2, ‘Master 2’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (3, ‘Master 3’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (4, ‘Master 4’)INSERT INTO #TempMaster ([ID], [Name]) VALUES (5, ‘Master […]


Modifying the QuoteWerks Document Open screen grid columns (post v5.2)

Dec 30, 2019

You can modify the QuoteWerks Document Open screen grid columns by editing you User Setting in the Settings Manager screen: 1) Click the Windows Help menu | About option. 2) Click the ‘Settings Manager’ button and select the “UserSettings” Table and the appropriate User you’d like to modify the Open screen columns for. 3) Select […]


Copying the QuoteWerks QuoteValet URL to the Windows clipboard

Jan 31, 2019

The script below provides a way to quickly and easily copy the QuoteValet document URL for the current open document in QuoteWerks to the Windows clipboard. This can then be pasted into an email or other document to send to your customer. To implement the script, we suggest copy/pasting the below code into a text […]


Selecting details of Configurators from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Configurators and their associated Containers and Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT CH.Name AS ConfiguratorName, CH.Notes AS ConfiguratorNotes , CC.Name AS ContainerName , […]


Selecting details of Substitute Items from QuoteWerks database

Jan 11, 2019

The below T-SQL statement provides a template for selecting details of Substitute Items from the QuoteWerks SQL Server database. If you have any questions or if you’d like an equivalent for an Access backend, then please email SELECT SH.SetName AS SubstituteSetName, SH.[Description] AS SubstituteSetDescription , SI.PartNumber AS SubstituteProductCode, PO.[Description] AS SubstituteProductDescription FROM QuoteWerks.dbo.SubstitutionHeaders AS […]